Relevant factors in the analysis of group dynamics

Oara Prundeanu


DOI: 10.47743/psya-2022-01

Groups are not simple task-solving machines, they are complex entities that have a specific dynamic depending on the features of the members that compose them. The multiple interactions based on various emerging or contextual constructs form a system that can produce multiple benefits as long as it works efficiently and positively affects members. This paper explores representative research that has provided evidence related to specific group processes that lead to several outcomes (e.g., task performance, group conflict). The main factors described in this theoretical review are group atmosphere, familiarity between members, group conflict (task, relational, and process), member satisfaction, minority influence, and the composition of the personality of the group members. The conclusion highlights the challenges of studying group dynamics and the relevant factors that can maximize the success in group functioning.

Group dynamics, Group composition, Group conflict, Group atmosphere, Group performance

Oara Prundeanu – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania, E-mail:

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