Author guidelines

Our journal publishes empirical and theoretical studies on social psychology and connected thematic areas, as well as book reviews.

Highlights of the format Article

• articles can be written in Romanian, English or French;
• each article must include the Romanian, English and French versions of title, abstract and key words. The abstract corresponding to the language of the article must be posted at the beginning and the remaining two at the end of the text (before Refrence List);
• the abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words, followed by 3-5 keywords;
• the article must not be longer than 20 pages (including abstracts, references and appendix);
• the article must have the following format: A4, Times New Roman, font 12, spacing 1.5, alignment Justify. Title: centered, font 12, Bold. Abstract, key-words and footnotes: font 10, regular characters;
• authors’ names and surnames: font 12, regular, right alignment. The first footnote(s) must contain authors’ institutional affiliations and e-mail addresses;
• each empirical paper must contain the following sections: theoretical grounding, objectives, methodology (participants, design, measures, procedure), results, discussion, final conclusions;
• tables or figures: font 10. Each table or figure must have a caption specifying its content (font 10). In-text references to tables or figures must be written in parentheses: (see Table/Figure 1);
• in-text reference citations, quotations and the final reference list must be written according to the APA style. For details, click here.
• for book reviews there must be mentioned: book author’s name and surname, year of publication, title (Italic), publishing house, number of pages. The reviewer’s name is written at the end of the text.

Deadlines for receiving articles

Since Psihologia Sociala has a half-yearly appearance, the two deadlines are:
– March 1st (for the first issue of the current year)
– September 1st (for the second issue of the current year)


Conf.dr. Mihai Curelaru (Editor-in-Chief):

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