Memorie şi resemnificare în istoria comunismului

Lavinia Betea

Rezumat: Comunismul românesc apare ca produs al unui proces de aculturaţie. Efectul principal a fost un împrumut de instituţii, practici şi tehnici sovietice care-au condus la dezvoltarea unei civilizaţii caracterizate de circumscrierea relaţiilor individ-lider-mulţime ideologiei comuniste. Istoria comunismului poate fi, în acest sens, consideratã un vast şantier al ştiinţelor socioumane, investigat cu metodologia adecvatã acestora. Demersul istoric poate fi circumscris cu uşurinţã seriei familiare de întrebãri: „Cine?”, „Ce?”, „Unde?”, „Cum?”, „De ce?”, pentru a decide asupra metodologiei ce va fi utilizate. Studiul de faţã prezintã designul unui model explicativ pe tema morţii lui Gheorghiu-Dej (1965) – –subiect controversat al istoriei comunismului românesc –- prin intermediul unor metode familiare

Abstract: Romanian communism appears to be the result of a process of progressive cultural neglect. The main effect was the actual borrowing of soviet institutions, practices and techniques that lead to the development of a civilization with a very strong communist ideology to be found in relationships between individual-leader-crowd.
In this way, the history of communism could be considered a large work area of social and human sciences, area that is investigated with the proper methodology. The historical investigation can be easily incorporated in a familiar series of questions like: Who?, What?, Where?, How?, Why, in order to decide over the methodology to be used. The present work reveals the design of an explicative pattern on the event around the death of Gheorghiu-Dej (1965) – a very controversial subject in the history of Romanian communism –with the help of methods very common to psychosociology.

Résumé: Le communisme roumain apparaît comme le produit d’un processus d’’acculturation. L’’effet principal a été un emprunt d’’institutions, de pratiques et de techniques soviétiques qui ont conduit au développement d’’une civilisation caractérisée par la circonscription des relations individu-leader-masse à l’’idéologie communiste. L’’histoire du communisme peut être considérée, en ce sens, un vaste chantier des sciences
sociohumaines, investigué à l’’aide de la méthodologie qui est adéquate à ce domaine. La démarche historique peut être circonscrite aisément dans la série familières des questions: Qui?, Quoi?, Où?, Comment?, Pourquoi?, pour décider la méthodologie a employer. Cette étude présente le design d’un modèle explicatif concernant le thème de la mort de Gheorghiu-Dej (1965) – sujet très débattu de l’’histoire du communisme roumain – à l’’aide d’’une méthode familiaire à la psychosociologie.


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