Similitudini şi diferenţe în reprezentarea socialã a puterii. Perspectiva comparativã femei-bãrbaţi

Luminiţa Iacob, Daniela Matei, Mihaela Boza

Rezumat: Noutatea cercetãrii noastre nu rezidã în tema aleasã, deja abordatã (Galli, 1989; Nigro, 1989; Acosta Avila, Uribe Patino, 2002), cât în obiectivul ei: identificarea raportului similitudini-diferenţe între femei si bãrbaţi în reprezentarea socialã a puterii. Trei ipoteze au ghidat investigaţia: 1. prevalenţa diferenţelor, datã fiind ancorarea deosebitã a femeilor şi a bãrbaţilor în fenomenologia puterii; 2. proiecţia propriului gen în reprezentarea investigatã, obiectivatã în feminizarea, respectiv masculinizarea puterii; 3. polarizarea preponderent negativã a reprezentãrii. Trei metode au servit culegerii datelor: asocierea de cuvinte, interviul structurat şi diferenţiatorul semantic. Lotul subiecţilor, 287 de studenţi, din domenii socioumane, anii I şi II, cu o medie de vârstã de 21,3 ani, a numãrat 157 femei şi 130 bãrbaţi. Dubla analizã a datelor, calitativã şi cantitativã, a confirmat ipoteza a doua, a infirmat prima şi a treia ipotezã şi, mai ales, a oferit multiple argumente şi ilustrãri în favoarea complexitãţii acestei reprezentãri.

Résumé: Le caractère nouveau de notre recherche ne réside pas dans le thème choisi, qui a été déjà abordé (Galli, 1989; Nigro, 1989; Acosta Avila, Uribe Patino, 2002), mais plutôt dans son objectif: identifier le rapport similitudes-différences entre femmes et hommes dans la représentation sociale du pouvoir. Trois hypothèses ont guidé notre investigation: 1. la prévalence des différences, compte tenu de la manière dont les femmes et les hommes sont ancrés dans la phénoménologie du pouvoir; 2. la projection de son propre genre dans la représentation investiguée, objectivée par la féminisation, respectivement la masculinisation du pouvoir; 3. la polarisation prépondéremment négative de la représentation. Trois méthodes ont permis le recueil des données: l’’association de mots, l’’interview structuré et le différenciateur sémantique. Le groupe des sujets – 287 étudiants en II’e et III’e années en sciences sociohumaines, dont la moyenne d’âge est de 21,3 ans – comptait 157 femmes et 130 hommes. Une double analyse des données, qualitative et quantitative, a confirmé la deuxième hypothèse, a infirmé la première et la troisième hypothèse et, surtout, a offert des multiples arguments en faveur de la complexité de cette représentation.

Abstract: The novelty of our research does not necessarily lie in its subject, already approached by Galli, 1989; Nigro, 1989; Acosta Avila, Uribe Patino, 2002, but especially in its purpose, that is the detection of similarities and differences ratio between women and men in social representation of power. Three were the hypostases having guided our investigation: 1. prevail of differences, given men and women particular anchoring to power phenomenology; 2. one’s own gender projection of the concerned representation, while objectivising it by assuming either male of female characteristics to power; 3. predominantly negative polarisation of representation. Three were the methods having been used for data gathering: word association, structured interview and semantic differentiator. The group of subjects, 287 first and second year studentsin Humanities, with an age average of 21.3 years, included 157 women and 130 men. Double quantitative and qualitative analysis of data confirmed the second hypothesis, refuted the first and the third ones, while it further provided for several arguments and exemplifications towards the complexity of this representation.

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