Le pouvoir au quotidien
María Teresa Acosta Ávila, Francisco Javier Uribe Patiño
Résumé: Dans une étude empirique on a analysé le contenu et la structure de la notion de pouvoir. La population de personnes interrogées est formée par des étudiants universitaires en sciences sociales qui suivent la première année détudes. L’échantillon inclut 30 hommes et 30 femmes. Les instruments appliqués ont été: une épreuve d’association verbale et des questionnaires de caractérisation. On a utilisé la technique de lanalyse de similitude pour la construction des graphes.
Mots clef: pouvoir, représentation sociale, approche structurelle.
Abstract: In an empirical study we have analysed the contents and structure of the notion of power. The surveyed population was formed by university students in social sciences which follow their first year of studies. The sample includes 30 men and 30 women. The applied instruments were: a test of verbal association and questionnaires of characterization. We used the similarity analysis technology to build the graphs.
Rezumat: Într-un studiu empiric am analizat conţinutul structurii noţiunii de putere. Lotul investigat a fost format din studenţi în ştiinţe sociale aflaţi în primul an de studii. Lotul include 30 de subiecţi de gen masculin şi 30 subiecţi de gen feminin. Metodologia de investigaţie a fost reprezentată de: o probă de asociere verbală şi un chestionar de caracterizare. Am folosit tehnica analizei de similaritate pentru reprezentarea grafică a rezultatelor.
Key words: power, social representation, structural approach.