Experimental study regarding the drivers’ attitude on public roads

Mihai Hohn, Alex Armand Hohn

Abstract: Inside the transports general network, car transports have a significant share. This can be noticed if private vehicles, as well as, public and goods transport means are taken into consideration. The specialists (engineers, psychologists etc.) have unanimously considered that, in the following years, a fast development of car transport is expected. Irrespective of the mechanism which was at the base of the answer, of drivers, this answer will be externalized and concretized under the form of a noticeable behaviour. At the base of these behaviours, we can find, among others, attitudes, which are behaviour directing and adjusting structures, having directional and assessing functions. The research under consideration tried to use an objective method for knowingthe attitude of the drivers while running a vehicle and when are confronted with circumstantial in the traffic. The chosen, respectively, the used method was the experiment.

Rezumat: În reţeaua generală de transport, cele realizate prin intermediul autovehiculelor reprezintă un segment semnificativ, incluzând vehiculele private şi mijloacele de transport de bunuri şi persoane. Specialiştii (ingineri, psihologi, etc.) consideră în mod unanim că în viitorul apropiat vom asista la o dezvoltare rapidă a transporturilor cu automobilul. Această dezvoltare face extrem de importantă problema comportamentelor şoferilor. La baza acestor comportamente putem identifica, printre altele, atitudinile, reprezentând structuri ce orientează şi ajustează acţiunile, cu funcţii direcţionale şi evaluative. Cercetarea de faţă a încercat să utilizeze o metodă obiectivă pentru investigarea atitudinii conducătorilor auto în timpul manevrării unui vehicul şi confruntării cu diverse circumstanţe de trafic. Metoda utilizată a fost cea experimentală.

Résumé: Dans le domaine du transport, les automobiles sont extrêmement importantes. Si on prend en considération le transport public et le transport commercial, on voit facilement le poids du trafic des automobiles. Toutes les spécialistes, ceux du domaine technique aussi que les psychologues considèrent que dans les prochaines années on aura un rapide développement du trafic des automobiles. Les mécanismes qui sont a la base de réponses peuvent être très différents, mais dans toutes les cases le réponse sera concrétisée sous la forme d’un comportement visible. A la base de ces comportements on peut retrouver des attitudes qui sont en fait des structures directionnelles et adjudants du comportement, ayant des fonctions directrices et évaluatives. Dans cet étude on a utilise une méthode objective dans le but de connaître l’attitude du conducteur quand il est dans sa voiture et quand il se confronte avec de facteurs inattendus dans le trafic. Cette méthode a été l’expérimentation.
Mots-clés: attitude, comportement visible, réponse, expérimentation

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