Articolele vă pot fi puse la dispoziţie la solicitare.
Articole cotate ISI:
- aan het Rot, M., Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I., Iancu, S., Tafta, S. A., Barbuselu, M. (in press). Behavioural Responses to Facial and Postural Expressions of Emotion: An Interpersonal Circumplex, British Journal of Psychology, DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12247 (IF=2.243)
- Postolica, R., Iorga, M., Savin, M., Azoicai, D., Enea, V. (in press) The utility of Leventhal’s Model in the analysis of the psycho-behavioral implications of familial cancer – a literature review, Archives of Medical Science, DOI: 10.5114/aoms.2016.63149(IF=1.812).
- Zancu, S. A., Enea, V. (in press). Eating disorders among fashion models: a systematic review of the literature, Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Published online before print June 02, 2016, DOI:10.1007/s40519-016-0293-5, ISSN 1124-4909 (Print), 1590-1262 (Online) (IF=1.254).
- Bulai, I., Enea, V. (2016). Dissociation and alexithymia in a Romanian sample of substance abuse patients, Journal of Substance Use, Published online before print May 09, 2016, DOI:10.3109/14659891.2015.1130183, 21(6), 646-651, ISSN 1465-9891 (Print), 1475-9942 (Online) (IF=0.893).
- Enea, V., Iancu S. (2016). Processing emotional body expressions: state-of-the-art, Social Neuroscience, Published online before print Nov 20, 2015, DOI:10.1080/17470919.2015.1114020, 11(5), 495-506, ISSN 1747-0919 (Print), 1747-0927 (Online) (IF=2.778).
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I., Bogdan, G., Matei, C. (in press). Death anxiety and pain catastrophizing among male inmates with nonsuicidal self- injury behavior. A comparative study, American Journal of Men’s Health, Published online before print July 17, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/1557988315595859, (ISSN 1557-9883) (IF=1.713).
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I., Opriş, D., David, D. (2014). Effects of Hypnotic Analgesia and Virtual Reality on the Reduction of Experimental Pain among High and Low Hypnotizables, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 62(3), 360-377, (ISSN 0020-7144)
- Rotaru, T. S., Dafinoiu, I. (2014). Attachment and Suggestion-Related Phenomena. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 62(2), 195-214, (ISSN 0020-7144 print/1744-5183 online)
- Adumitroaie, E., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Perception of parental rejection in children left behind by migrant parents. Review of Research and Social Intervention, vol. 42, pp. 191-203 (ISSN – print: 1583-3410;ISSN – electronic: 1584-5397
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Flexibility in Processing Visual Information: Effects of Mood and Hypnosis, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 61(1), 55-70, (ISSN 0020-7144)
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Ethical principles and standards in the practice of hypnosis, Romanian Journal of Bioethics, 9(3), July – September 2011, 210-216 (ISSN 1583-5170)
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). The emigration phenomenon involving Romanians in search of employment and the mental diseases: case study, Psychiatrische Praxis , Issue S 01 Volume 38 May 2011: 10.1055/s-0031-1277929 (ISI- Rezumat) (pISSN = 0303-4259 | eISSN = 1439-0876)
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2009). Motivational/solution-focused intervention for reducing school truancy among adolescents, Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 9(2), 185-198 (ISSN 1584-7101)
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2008). Posthypnotic amnesia and autobiographical memory in adolescents, Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 8(2), 201-215 (ISSN 1584-7101)
Articole indexate ISI (Proceedings):
- Crumpei, I., Boncu, S., Crumpei, G. (2014). Environmental Attitudes and Ecological Moral Reasoning in Romanian Students, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 114: 461-465
- Ursaru, M.; Crumpei, I; Crumpei, G (2014). Quality of Life and Religious Coping in Women with Breast Cancer, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 114:322-326
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Cognitive hypnotherapy in addressing the posttraumatic stress disorder, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, (ISI Proceedings) Volume 78, 13 May 2013, 36–40 (ISSN 1877-0428).
- Crumpei, I., Rotaru, T. (2012). The Mozart Effect: Neurological Miracle, Artefact or Suggestive Influence, Latest Advances in Acoustic and Music, Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Series (ISI Proceedings), 2, 57-62
- Vulpe, A., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). Positive emotions, coping strategies and ego-resiliency: A mediation model, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 33, 308 – 312
- Iuşcă, D., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). Performance anxiety and musical level of undergraduate students in exam situations: the role of gender and musical instrument, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 33, 448-452
- Crumpei, I., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). Secondary traumatic stress in medical students, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 46: 1465-1469
- Crumpei, I., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). The relation of clinical empathy to secondary traumatic stress, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 33, 438-432
- Vulpe, A., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Positive emotions’ influence on attitude toward change, creative thinking and their relationship with irrational thinking in romanian adolescents, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISI Proceedings), 30, 1935-1941
Articole indexate BDI:
- Crumpei, G., Gavriluț, A., Agop, M., Crumpei, I., Negură, L., Grecu, I. (2014). New mathematical and theoretical foundation in human brain research. An interdisciplinary approach in a transdiciplinary world. HSS, 3(1): 45-58
- Crumpei, I. (2014). Spirituality and religion, psychotherapeutic resources in the quest for mental health, European Journal of Science and Theology, 10(5): 81-89
- Dafinoiu, I., Crumpei, I. (2013). Social representations of the elderly – an exploratory study, Revista psihologia socială, 32(2): 185-196
- Varga, St., S., Dafinoiu, I., L.I., Ile, C. Bredicean, R. O. Radut (2013). The terminological relativism of dissociation: A literature review. Romanian Journal of Psychyatry, nr.15(1), p. 6-11.
- Varga, St. S., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Correlates of pain perception: anxiety and dissociation, Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series (PSYA) 22(2), 75-86
- Adumitroaie, E., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Measuring teacher’s expectations towards students with migrant parent., Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series (PSYA) 22(2), 87-100
- Crumpei, G, Grecu, I., Șurubaru, B., Crumpei, I., Eva, L, Agop, M. (2013). Aspecte fractale în transmisia impulsului nervos, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași, Tomul LIX (LXIII), Fasc. 1: 45-58
- Opriş, D., Enea, V., Pop, A., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Hypnotic suggestions effect on sense of presence in virtual reality. A brief report, Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle, 12(1), 13-22 (ISSN 1454 – 797X).
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). The “Hidden Observer” and the Effort Intensity in Engaging in a Suggested Behaviour, Recent Researches in Educational Technologies- Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (EDUTE ’11), 30-35 (ISI Proceedings) (ISBN 978-1-61804-010-7).
- Dafinoiu, I., Rotaru, T., St. (2011). The use of suggestive influences in promoting environmental behaviours – in: Recent Researches in Educational Technologies- Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (EDUTE ’11), 36-41 (ISBN 978-1-61804-010-7).WSEAS Press
- Barliba, R., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Rolul depresiei şi al mecanismelor de coping în generarea gândirii contrafactuale (I), Buletin de Psihiatrie Integrativă,, 2(49), p. 28-32
- Barliba, R., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Rolul depresiei şi al mecanismelor de coping în generarea gândirii contrafactuale (II), Buletin de Psihiatrie Integrativă,, 3(50), p. 58-64
- Dafinoiu,I., Rotaru, T., St. (2010). Suggestibility as a personnality trait: connections to information processing. Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series (PSYA), 2010, 19 (2), 23-36
- Dafinoiu, I. (2010). Psychotherapy in Eating Disorders, Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series (PSYA), 2010, 19 (1), 21-34
- Simion, C. N., Dafinoiu, I., Forna, N. C. (2010). Mecanisme de coping ale pacienţilor cu dizabilităţi psihice implicate în nevoia de tratament stomatologic. Revista medico-chirurgicala a Societăţii de medici şi naturalişti din Iaşi, 2010, 114(1), 223-231
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2010). Hypnosis as a research method in psychology, Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series (PSYA) , 19(2), 79-87 (ISSN 2069-1386)
- Crumpei, I., Dafinoiu, I. (2010). Secondary Traumatic Stress, the Side Effect of Clinical Empathy, Revista medico-chirurgicală a societăţii de medici şi naturalişti din Iaşi, 114, 4, pp. 1092-1100
- Tofan, A., Crumpei, I. (2010). The Body as Source of Significance. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Revista medico-chirurgicala a societatii de medici si naturalisti din Iasi, 114 (3) : 943-952
Articole apărute în reviste neindexate ISI/BDI:
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2011). Comorbiditate în adicţie: gambling şi etnobotanice, Jurnal de psihoterapie, Martie 2011, 4(1), 40-47 (ISSN 1844-8070)
- Enea, V., Moldovan, A., Anton, R. (2017). Tulburările de comportament alimentar şi obezitatea la copii si adolescenţi, în colecţia PSIHOLOGIE CLINICĂ ŞI PSIHOTERAPIE, Editura Polirom, (ISBN print: 978-973-46-6466-5 | ISBN ePUB: 978-973-46-6550-1 | ISBN PDF: 978-973-46-6551-8)
- Enea, V., Măirean, C., Dafinoiu, I. (2016). Bulimia nervoasă: teorie, evaluare şi tratament, în colecţia PSIHOLOGIE CLINICĂ ŞI PSIHOTERAPIE, Editura Polirom (ISBN print: 978-973-46-6324-8)
- Dafinoiu, I., Boncu, Ş. (coord.) (2014). Psihologie socială clinică, Editura Polirom, ISBN 978-973-46-4436-0
- Crumpei, I. (2014). Stresul traumatic secundar. Efectul advers al empatiei, Iași: Institutul European
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). Anorexia nervoasă: Teorie, evaluare şi tratament, în colecţia PSIHOLOGIE CLINICĂ ŞI PSIHOTERAPIE, Editura Polirom, ISBN: 978-973-46-3281-7
- Dafinoiu, I. (2008). Introducere în psihoterapie, Ed. Universitatii Al.I.Cuza
- Dafinoiu, I. (2007). Psihodiagnostic, Ed. Universitatii Al.I.Cuza
- Dafinoiu, I., Vargha, J., L. (2005). Psihoterapii scurte. Strategii, metode, tehnici, Editura Polirom, ISBN 973-681-777-6
- Dafinoiu, I., Vargha, J., L. (2003). Hipnoza clinică. Tehnici de inducţie. Strategii terapeutice, Editura Polirom, ISBN 973-681-089-5
- Dafinoiu, I., Lungu, O. (2003). Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Series: European Social Inclusion / Sozialgemeinschaft Europa – Volume 4, Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, ISBN 978-3-631-50434-5
- Dafinoiu, I. (2002). Personalitatea. Metode de abordare clinică, Editura Polirom, ISBN 973-683-885-4
- Dafinoiu, I. (2000). Elemente de psihoterapie integrativă, Editura Polirom, ISBN 973-683-471-9
Capitole/Articole în volume colective/conferinţe:
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2016). Contribuţii recente în tratarea obezităţii, în volumul „Optimizarea comportamentului uman în sănătate şi în boală”, coordonat de Daniela Muntele Hendreş, Editura Universităţii „ Al. I. Cuza” – Iaşi, 83-118 (ISBN 978-606-714-249-5).
- Enea, V. (2016). Infidelitatea, în volumul „Relaţiile intime. Atractie interpersonala si convietuire in cuplu”, coordonat de Ştefan Boncu şi Maria Nicoleta Turliuc, Editura Polirom – Iaşi, Seria Collegium. Psihologie, 385-393 (ISBN 978‑973‑46‑6012-4)
- Enea, V. (2016). Digikids sau impactul tehnologiei asupra dezvoltării copiilor, în volumul „Educaţia timpurie: probleme şi soluţii”, coordonat de Liliana Stan, Editura Polirom – Iaşi, Seria Collegium. Ştiinţele educaţiei, 214-222 (ISBN 978‑973‑46‑5978‑4)
- Dafinoiu, I. (2014). Teoria ataşamentului, în volumul „Psihologie socială clinică”, coordonat de Ion Dafinoiu şi Ştefan Boncu, Editura Polirom – Iaşi, Seria Collegium. Psihologie, 27-36 (ISBN 978-973-46-4436-0).
- Enea, V. (2014). Insatisfacţia imaginii corporale şi tulburările de comportament alimentar, în volumul „Psihologie socială clinică”, coordonat de Ion Dafinoiu şi Ştefan Boncu, Editura Polirom – Iaşi, Seria Collegium. Psihologie, 109-119 (ISBN 978-973-46-4436-0).
- Dafinoiu, I., Enea, V. (2014). Hipnoză, sugestibilitate şi hipnoterapie, în volumul „Psihologie socială clinică”, coordonat de Ion Dafinoiu şi Ştefan Boncu, Editura Polirom – Iaşi, Seria Collegium. Psihologie, 451-460 (ISBN 978-973-46-4436-0).
- Crumpei, I. (2014). Stresul traumatic secundar In Dafinoiu, I, Boncu, S. (Eds) Psihologie socială clinică, Ed. Polirom: Iași, 156-164
- Adumitroaie, E., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Social representation of children left behind by migrant parents, în Maria Nicoleta Turliuc (coord) "Gen, muncă, familie şi schimbare", Editura Institutul European, în 2013, pp. 133-142. ISBN 978-606-24-0012-5
- Dafinoiu, I. (2013). Consilierea centrată pe obiective şi soluţii. In: 4D in educatie, Institutul European, Iasi, p. 69-102.
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2013). The Effect of Hypnosis on the Flexibility of Associative Recognition Memory, în „Applied Social Sciences: Psychology, Physical Education and Social Medicine”, coordonat de Patricia Runcan, Georgeta Raţă şi Alin Gavreliuc, Editura Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), UK, 281-288, (ISBN13 978-1-4438-4524-3 | ISBN 1-4438-4524-8).
- Crumpei, I. (2013). The therapeutic metaphor an interdiciplinary perspective, In Boldea, I (Ed) Studies on Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue, Ed Arhipelag XXI: Targu-Mures, pp803-808
- Crumpei, I. (2013). Conceptul de sine academic. In Boncu, S (Ed) Psihosociologia educației, Ed. Polirom: Iași (pp 42-53)
- Crumpei, I. (2013). Violența în familie. In Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu, Gabriela Costea, Alexandra Enache, Liviu Oprea, Valentin Gheorghiu, Vasile Astarastoaie (Eds), Expertiza medico-legala psihiatrică. Abordare interdisciplinară (pp 545-566), Ed. Timpul: Iași
- Enea, V., Dafinoiu, I. (2012). Utilizarea realităţii virtuale în tratamentul tulburărilor de comportament alimentar: o analiză a cercetărilor recente, în „Volumul lucrărilor Conferinţei Naţionale de Psihologie Ediţia A VI-A”, coordonat de Aurel Ion Clinciu şi Mariela Pavalache – Ilie, Editura Universităţii Transilvania – Braşov, 29-34 (ISBN 978-606-19-0100-5).
- Dafinoiu, I. (2009). Corpul tău ştie, in: V. Dem. Zamfirescu, Povestiri de psihoterapie românească, Bucuresti, Ed. Trei