Contagiunea emotionalã: similaritate si status

Contagiunea emotionalã: similaritate si status

Delia Florentina Titã Abstract: Using the experimental method, a factorial 2×2 between-subjects design, the study intended to identify the effect of the independent variables (the perceived similarity and the perceived position/status) on the emotional...

Temperament Styles of Romanian Children

Temperament Styles of Romanian Children

Thomas Oakland, Dragos Iliescu, Margareta Dincã, Allison Dempsey Abstract: Preferences for four bipolar temperament styles (i.e., extroversion-introversion, practical-imaginative, thinking-feeling, and organized-flexible) of 900 randomly sampled Romanian children in four age groups (i.e., 9-10, 11-12,...

Assertiveness, Social Support and Loneliness

Assertiveness, Social Support and Loneliness

Mioara Cristea, Nicoleta Nastasã, Adelina Pãdurariu Abstract: Loneliness has been defined as a subjective disagreeable feeling which could have serious emotional, social and physiological consequences (Peplau & Perlman, 1982). Weiss (1973) stated the existence...

Factori care influenţeazã rezolvarea conflictelor la elevi

Factori care influenţeazã rezolvarea conflictelor la elevi

Constantina Alexandru, Camelia Puzdriac Rezumat: Aceastã cercetare şi-a propus sã identifice strategiile alese de elevi pentru a rezolva conflictele cu diferite persoane: colegi, prieteni, fraţi, pãrinţi. Ne-a interesat, de asemenea, influenţa variabilei inteligenţa emoţionalã...

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