A correlational study of the relationships between coping strategies and vicarious trauma beliefs

Maria Nicoleta Turliuc, Cornelia Măirean


The purpose of this research is to investigate the associations between vicarious trauma beliefs and the use of particular coping strategies in a sample of hospital workers. A total of 131 medical staff participated in this study. To measure the participants’ coping strategies when faced with stressful events, the 53-item COPE scale (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) was used. The participants in this study also completed the The Trauma Attachment and Belief Scale (TABS; Pearlman, 2003). Pearson‟s correlations revealed that all types of dysfunctional beliefs are significantly relate with the use of a particular coping strategy. Positive reinterpretation is negatively associated, while mental and behavior disengagement are positively associated with almost all types of dysfunctional vicarious trauma beliefs. The research contributes to existing knowledge of how dysfunctional trauma beliefs are related to coping strategies when confronted with adversity.

problem focused coping, emotional focused coping, dysfunctional coping, vicarious trauma beliefs

Maria Nicoleta Turliuc – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail: turliuc@uaic.ro
Cornelia Măirean – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

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