Perceived victimisation as a consequence of bullying among Romanian employees: gender differences

Teodora Chirilă


This present study aims to identify the percentages of perceived victimisation, as a consequence of bullying, among Romanian employees and to identify if there are any differences in the frequency of bullying exposure and in the way women and men are bullied. A number of 220 Romanian employees participated in this present study from whom 58 were male and 162 were female, 118 came from private small firms and 112 came from public institutions. All these participants received a bullying definition of bullying. The participants had to specify if according to this definition: (1) they were exposed to this phenomenon (i.e. perceived victimisation); (2) in case they were exposed, with what frequency they had encountered the bullying behaviors. After that, the participants answered the Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised (NAQ-R; Einarsen, Hoel & Notelaers, 2009) in order to asses gender differences in the way women and men are bullied.

bullying, perceived victimisation, gender differences, levels of exposure frequency, harassment

Teodora Chirilă – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail:

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