A Semi-model of Predictive Factors for Mixed Infidelity
Maria Nicoleta Turliuc, Elena Laura Scutaru
Infidelity is the sign of a crisis in a relationship. The triangular theory of love (Sternberg, 1986), the interpersonal exchange model of sexual satisfaction or the Big Five model can be useful for understanding the dynamics of a couple’s relationship. The differences observed after using these models are essential in the study of extramarital relationships. This present study intends to analyse the predictive factors of mixed infidelity. 470 persons participated in the study. The assessment scales for infidelity, sexual satisfaction, sexual communication, sexuality, attitude towards sexuality and the Big Five inventory were distributed to all the participants. Following the data analysis, significant correlations were identified between the variables of a relationship’s dynamics, the variables of sexual compatibility, the variables of personality traits and mixed infidelity. The regression analysis showed that mixed infidelity increases together with the presence of extraversion, sexual self-esteem and a permissive attitude towards sexuality. On the other hand, regression analysis shows that commitment, intimacy, passion, depression, sexual satisfaction, sexual communication and agreeableness are significant negative predictors of mixed infidelity.
infidelity, passion, commitment, openness, extraversion
Maria Nicoleta Turliuc – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail: turliuc@uaic.ro
Elena Laura Scutaru – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail: laura_scutaru@yahoo.com