Mindset for Change, Motivational Persistence and Self-Efficacy in Personal Goal Achievement
Andreea Chirilă, Ticu Constantin
Starting from the mindset for stages of change featured in previous research, the first aim of our study was to construct a scale that we preliminarily validated, which intended to provide individual classification into stages, according to the progress towards personal goal achievement. Our second aim was to investigate whether other relevant variables–self-efficacy and motivational persistence–were included in the goal achievement process, on a sample of 202 Romanian subjects, aged between 16 and 53, of which 74,3% were women and 25,7% were men. The obtained results suggest that mindset for change predicts personal goal achievement, and motivational persistence influences it. On the other hand, mindset for change is positively correlated with motivational persistence but insignificantly associated with self-efficacy. Further studies are necessary to be conducted on a group of subjects who have similar personal goals and to examine their self-efficacy in greater depth, subsequently providing tailored approaches, according to their readiness to change.
mindset for change, motivational persistence, self-efficacy, personal goal achievement.
Ticu Constantin – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail: tconst@uaic.ro