The predictors of the body appreciation at primiparous and multiparous mothers
Maria-Laura Horeanu, Maria-Nicoleta Turliuc
The predictors of the body appreciation at primiparous and multiparous mothers on the Romanian population have been insufficiently studied in recent years. This study analyses the relationship between the assessment of the body appreciation, the perceived parental stress, the anxious and avoidant attachment, the perceived social support by family, friends, important persons, consensus, expressing affectivity, dyadic satisfaction, cohesion and dyadic adaptation at 219 primiparous and multiparous mothers in Iasi city, Romania. In the case of primiparous women, the body appreciation positively correlates with the support received from the family, friends and important persons, consensus, dyadic satisfaction, cohesion and dyadic adaptation and negatively correlates to the perceived parental stress, anxious and avoidant attachment. In the case of multiparous mothers, the body appreciation positively correlates with dyadic satisfaction and dyadic adaptation and negatively correlates with the perceived parental stress, anxious and avoidant attachment. Following the prediction analyses we have carried out on primiparous and multiparous women, it was found that the perceived parental stress and anxious attachment predict negatively the assessment of the body appreciation. In future studies, longitudinal research is needed using several comparison groups to determine the direction of the causal link between these variables.
Body appreciation, Primiparous women, Multiparous women, Predictors, Birth.
Maria-Laura Horeanu – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania, E-mail:
Maria-Nicoleta Turliuc – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania