Personality factors that induce drivers’ vulnerability to stress: predictors for traffic behavior
Corneliu Havârneanu, Elena Bârliba
This study aims to predict traffic behavior using personality factors that induce drivers‘ vulnerability to stress (aggression, dislike of driving, proneness to fatigue, risk monitoring, sensation seeking) in accordance with the transactional model of stress and driver fatigue developed by Matthews (2001, 2002). 338 participants were asked to fill in the Driver Stress Inventory and the Driver Behavior Questionnaire. We aimed to achieve the best prediction models for behavior in traffic. The study results support the utility of the transactional model in predicting and explaining aberrant behaviors. It shows that by measuring personality traits in the specific context of behavior occurrence, one can capture other effects compared to those captured by a general predisposition toward a behavior.
driver stress vulnerability, dislike of driving, aggression, proneness to fatigue, hazard monitoring, thrill seeking, Driver Stress Inventory, Driver Behavior Questionnaire
CORNELIU HAVÂRNEANU – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iaşi;,