Religiosity and value-orientation in adolescence

Monica Ciocan, Mihai Curelaru, Mioara Cristea


Empirical studies in the field of personality and school psychology underline the importance of educational and socio-cultural contexts on the development of each individual‘s moral value system. Current research has investigated the impact of several factors on the evaluation adolescents make of their own instrumental and final values, as defined by Rokeach (1973). The main purpose is to observe to what degree variables like the level of religiosity, gender, age and religious background influence adolescents‘ appreciation in terms of instrumental and final values. The participants (N = 270) aged 15 to 18 years completed a series of questionnaires regarding their level of religiosity, religious practices adopted and instrumental/final values orientation. Results show a different evaluation and appreciation of instrumental and final values where the religiosity and Christian practices adopted have the highest impact.

instrumental values, final values, adolescence, religiosity, religious practices, Catholicism, Orthodoxy

MIHAI CURELARU – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iaşi;,
MIOARA CRISTEA – Laboratory of Driver‘s Psychology, Versailles – Satory

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