The effects of group separation and variety on group performance and satisfaction
Mihaela Bucur, Ticu Constantin
Research on group diversity, homogeneity and their influence on group performance and satisfaction proliferated in the last decade as groups received more attention from both researchers and human resource specialists. This study examined the influence of group diversity conceptualized as separation (differences on attitudes toward communism) and variety (information made available to participants to solve a task) on group performance and satisfaction. Data on a group’s performance (operationalized as a group’s cognitive complexity) was collected in 72 groups, consisting of four members, using a conceptual mapping technique. The technique used in this study is a holistic measure of group performance. Data regarding team satisfaction was also collected using an individual questionnaire. The results indicated no significant relationship of group diversity on performance or satisfaction. Implication, limits of this study and ideas for future research are discussed.
groups, heterogeneity, diversity, cognitive mapping, attitude toward communism
Mihaela Bucur – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, E-mail:
Ticu Constantin – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail: