Mediation’s role of resilience on the relationship between workplace bullying and Romanian employees’ physical and mental strain

Teodora Chirilă


Workplace bullying victims and their resilience levels had been little study so far. This present article aims to verify mediation’s role of resilience on the relationship between workplace bullying and physical and mental strain. Most resilience definitions refer to resilience as a person’s capacity to hold up, recover, and come out stronger after facing a situation which affects one’s integrity. A total of 172 Romanian employees participated in this present study by completing online questionnaires referring to workplace bullying, resilience and physical and mental strain. The results showed mediation’s role of resilience on the relationship between workplace bullying and mental and physical strain in that the direct relationship between workplace bullying and mental and physical strain decreases when resilience is introduced as a mediator. These results showed that those employees who have higher levels of resilience have lower levels of physical and mental strain when they are confronted with workplace bullying behaviours. The findings of this present study can help human resources practitioners by showing that psychological resilience is an important resource for workplace bullying victims and they can improve their anti-bullying programs by developing not only resilient individuals in their workplaces but also by helping the organization to develop as a resilient company.

workplace bullying, resilience, physical strain, mental strain, mediation models

Teodora Chirilă – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

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