Miscalibration and Driver’s Adaptation to Traffic Complexity. The Role of Gender, Age and Driving Experience

Corneliu Havârneanu, Simona Popușoi


For safe driving, an individual’s skills have to match or to exceed the task demands of a traffic situation. In order to decrease task demands to fit their level of automated driving, three factors have to be taken into consideration, namely the assessment of personal driving skills, the complexity of the driving task and the adaptation to task demands. The aim of this present study is to examine if drivers adapt their behavior depending on the complexity of the situation. Two hundred and fifty-five drivers (N men = 126) participated in this study. In order to evaluate a driver’s behavioral adaptation and miscalibration, two instruments were constructed specific to Romanian traffic situations and laws. Results showed an association between miscalibration and behavioral adaptation, even when controlling for gender, age and driving experience. Moreover, gender differences in both miscalibration and behavioral adaptation were found.

miscalibration, behavioral adaptation, overconfidence.

Corneliu Havârneanu – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail: hcornel@uaic.ro
Simona Popușoi – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail: simona.popusoi@uaic.ro

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