Grigore Havârneanu

The Influence of Workload on Attention during the Driving Task

The Influence of Workload on Attention during the Driving Task

Alexandra Raluca Jilavu, Grigore Havârneanu
This experiment analyses the effect that mental and visual workload have on the driver. The aim of this experiment is to induce both mental and visual workload to the
participants, while they are solving an attention test on the computer; the difficulty has been manipulated by combining two types of items.

Traffic norms between safety and perversity

Traffic norms between safety and perversity

Grigore Havârneanu, Andreea Goliţă
Perverse norms are believed to be an important factor leading to deviance in traffic (Fernández-Dols & Oceja, 1994; Pérez, et al., 1998; Pérez et al., 2002). From a particular social perspective, norm violation originates in the general perception of norms being irrational or…

Atenţie şi performanţă în practica conducerii auto

Atenţie şi performanţă în practica conducerii auto

Cornel Havarneanu, Grigore Havârneanu
În acest studiu, sunt discutate progresele recente în studiul atenţiei şi performanţei, cu accentul pe natura controlului atenţional şi pe efectele experienţei. În general, efectele „setului mental” se dovedesc a fi mai evidente decât s-a crezut la început…

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