Suggestibility as a personality trait: connections to information processing
Ion Dafinoiu, Tudor-Stefan Rotaru
This study aims to establish a connection between the top-down and bottomup processing, and suggestibility as a trait. We used visual stimuli in a computer-based environment (N=199) when measuring the response times. Also, we studied the possible connection with rigidity in attitudes. In one of the STROOP interference conditions, the high suggestible subjects made significantly more errors than the low suggestible ones. The
high suggestible women subjects made significantly more errors in reporting the similarity of meaning in a pair of linguistic stimuli, both physically and semantically identical; the same subjects made significantly more errors in reporting the similarity of meaning in a pair of linguistic stimuli, physically different, but semantically identical. We did not find any significant relationship between the scores for suggestibility and rigidity.
suggestibility, information processing, top-down, bottom-up, rigidity
Ion Dafinoiu – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, E-mail:
Tudor-Stefan Rotaru – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, E-mail: