The influence of affect intensity and self-schema on the attitude toward self-destructive behaviors in adolescence

Mihaela Boza, Madalina Bejan


The aim of this study is to determine the influence of affect intensity and selfschema on the attitude towards self-destructive behaviors in adolescence. Theoretical background is provided through self-presentation, self-schema and the affect intensity. We assume that self-schema and the affect intensity influence the attitude towards selfdestructive behaviors (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, piercing, tattoos and esthetic surgery). The short affect intensity scale (AIS), a self-schema measure and an attitude measure were used. The scores of AIS were computed separately for expressed emotions and serenity scale. Expressed emotions had more impact on the participant‘s attitudes than serenity. The
results showed combined effects of self-schema and affect intensity on the attitude towards drugs, tobacco, smoking and tattoos. Non-schematics and low expressivity participants were more prone to engage in self-destructive behaviors. The cognitive and affective parts of the self had a joint influence on the vulnerability to engage in risked behaviors, especially addictive behaviors.

self-schema, affect intensity, attitude, self-destructive behavior, addictive behavior

Mihaela Boza – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, E-mail:

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