Intrusive images in trauma film paradigm. The role of peritraumatic tasks, emotional regulation strategies, and emotional states
This study examined the impact of a concurrent task during trauma exposure on intrusive visual images reported one week after exposure. We predicted that intrusion frequency will be reduced in the visuospatial condition compared to the no task control condition. Two experimenters were conducted to test this assumption. In both studies participants were exposed to a traumatic material (audio video and written story) under one of two conditions: while tapping a complex pattern of five key on a concealed keyboard (visuospatial condition) or with no extra task (control condition). The analyses indicated that intrusive images could develop from exposure to a traumatic event, without being personally involved. Moreover, a concurrent visuospatial task during exposure lead to less intrusions compared to control condition. The practical implications of these results for PTSD treatment and secondary traumatization are discussed.
trauma, intrusive images, visuospatial task
CORNELIA MĂIREAN – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
LIVIA GLIGA – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania