The Predictors of Dyslexia in a regular Orthography

Katalin Tiron, Alois Gherguț


In a technologized world, where sometimes communication is reduced to texting, we need to read so that we can socialize (Light & McNaughton, 2013). Learning to read is crucial nowadays. Scientists have tried to find out what are the clues that could lead to the early identification of children with dyslexia and what measures are necessary to be able to compensate for the reading disorder as effectively as possible. This systematic review aims at identifying the predictors of dyslexia highlighted in recent studies (eg. from 2010-2019). After extensive research in Emerald, Frontier, sage, Science direct, Springer, Taylor& Francis, Wiley database, 59 articles met the inclusion criteria. We concluded that: phonological awareness (PA), rapid naming (RAN) and letter-knowledge (LK) are the most important predictors of dyslexia in a regular orthography.

dyslexia, phonological awareness, rapid naming, predictor

KATALIN TIRON – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania
ALOIS GHERGUȚ – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

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