Ana Maria Hojbotă

Developing academic persistence in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program: educational strategies and associated personality traits

Developing academic persistence in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program: educational strategies and associated personality traits

Andrei Holman, Emilia Alexandra Pascal, Cristina Bostan, Ana Maria Hojbotă, Ticu Constantin
One can notice an increase in number of researches around the capacity to measure availability and intention to donate. Our study intends to create an instrument addressing the organizing principles…

Beyond the asymmetries between pleasure and pain. An exploratory study of the links between regulatory focus, trait affectivity and motivational persistence

Beyond the asymmetries between pleasure and pain. An exploratory study of the links between regulatory focus, trait affectivity and motivational persistence

Ana-Maria Hojbotă, Andrei Rusu, Ticu Constantin
Motivational persistence (MP) is a recently introduced concept that describes individuals’ goal striving endeavors in a trait based paradigm. The present paper, representing one of several steps in testing and understanding motivational persistence…

The Relationship between Creativity and Preferred Style of Approaching Conflict Following Procedural Unfairness

The Relationship between Creativity and Preferred Style of Approaching Conflict Following Procedural Unfairness

Ana Maria Hojbotă, Paula Andreea Pascu
The authors investigated the relationships between creative thinking abilities, assessed with The Battery of Tests for Creative Thinking (Ana Stoica-Constantin, Mariana Caluschi, 2005), measuring fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, sensitivity to problems…

Determinanţi afectivi ai persistenţei motivaţionale

Determinanţi afectivi ai persistenţei motivaţionale

Ana-Maria Hojbotă, Ticu Constantin
Persistenţa motivaţională se referă la nucleul dur al motivaţiei individuale, dimensiunea mai degrabă cantitativă (energia şi stabilitatea motivaţională) decât calitativă a acesteia (Constantin şi col., 2007). Psihologia personalităţii include persistenţa atât în modele temperamentale cât şi caracteriale…

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