Beyond the asymmetries between pleasure and pain. An exploratory study of the links between regulatory focus, trait affectivity and motivational persistence

Ana-Maria Hojbotă, Andrei Rusu, Ticu Constantin


Motivational persistence (MP) is a recently introduced concept that describes individuals’ goal striving endeavors in a trait based paradigm. The present paper, representing one of several steps in testing and understanding motivational persistence, has explored the relation between MP and a goal orientation model, general affectivity and affect-related personality dimensions. A total sample of 123 participants completed the measures for chronic regulatory focus, positive and negative affects, extraversion and emotional stability and motivational persistence. Canonical correlations revealed a positive linear relation between Current Purposes Pursuing (CPP) and Long-term Purposes Pursuing (LTPP) subscales of MP and promotion focus and positive affect. The negative affect was negatively linked with CPP and LTPP, and the relation with extraversion and emotional stability was weak. The implications for understanding the motivational persistence model were discussed.

motivational persistence, regulatory focus, affectivity, extraversion, emotional stability

Ana-Maria Hojbotă – Al. I. Cuza University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iaşi, Romania E-mail:
Ticu Constantin – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail:

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