Gender and Empathic Differences in the Attribution of Pride and Joy

Andreea Roxana Iordache, Daniela Victoria Zaharia


Following the differential tradition in the study of emotions, we were interested in exploring the differences between joy and pride as perceived by students. As a first objective of this study, we aimed at developing a scenario-based instrument that differentiates between pride and joy. As a second objective, we were interested in analyzing some of the personal characteristics (empathy level, gender, academic background) that may influence the attribution of the right emotion to a character in a specific situation. The results show that is was easier to identify joy-specific circumstances than pride-specific situations and that gender and empathy level influence the attribution of the two emotions in certain circumstances.

gender, empathy, pride, joy

Daniela Victoria Zaharia – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail:

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