Young drivers and self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol: A Comparison between Romanian and French drivers
Alexandra Gheorghiu, Marie Line Felonneau
Driving under the influence of alcohol is considered one of the most serious road offences and, in the same time, an extremely dangerous behaviour. The situation is even more critical for young drivers. By using the theory of planned behaviour, a questionnaire based survey was administered to 184 Romanian and 106 French young drivers. The results show that subjective norms are good predictors of both self-reported and intention to drive under the influence of alcohol and confirm the importance of intention and perceived behavioural control. These results highlight the importance of subjective norms and social pressure in the case of driving under the influence. Young drivers seem to be especially vulnerable to perceived social pressure.
young drivers, driving under the influence of alcohol, theory of planned behaviour, subjective norms
Alexandra Gheorghiu – Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences E-mail:
Marie Line Felonneau – University Bordeaux 2 Laboratoire de Psychologie, Santé & Qualité de Vie , EA 4139