Guidelines for Authors

For ensuring unity in the submission and publication of the articles, all papers will be sent in electronic format, by e-mail or by regular post (saved on CD or DVD) to our address (Annals of Educational Sciences, « Alexandru Ioan Cuza » University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Toma Cozma Street no.3, 700554, Iaşi, The articles should respect the following format:

  • Page setup 19×13 cm (6 cm up; 6 cm down; 4 cm left; 4 cm right);
  • Authors will provide an abstract of maximum 200 characters and up to 5 (five) keywords, in English and/or French, typed with Times New Roman characters, justify, 10 pt. size;
  • The text of the article can be submitted in English or French;
  • The length of the article can be up to 12 pages, including the abstract and the bibliography;
  • The body text of the article will be typed on A4 format, single spaced, with Times New Roman characters, justify, 11 pt. size;
  • The title will be typed in capital letters, bold, centered, 12 pt.;
  • The surname and the name of the author/s will be typed after an empty line under the title, in capital letters, centered, 12 pt. (surname, name, scientific title and academic position, institution and the e-mail address should be inserted as a footnote);
  • The author will organize the text in paragraphs and subparagraphs, according to the content, and titles will be typed with 11pt. characters, bold, centered. Empty lines should be placed before and after a paragraph’s title;
  • Scientific terms originated in a different language will be typed in italics;
  • Figures, graphs and tables will be inserted in the text by the author, and will be numbered. Each figure, graph or table will have a title, typed at the bottom;
  • References to figures and tables will be made in round brackets (e.g. Fig. 2; Table II)
  • Footnotes will be typed with 10 pt. characters;
  • References in the text will be made in square brackets, and will include the name of the author, the year of publication, and the page or the pages cited [e.g. Văideanu, 1986, p. 23];
  • The subtitle BIBLIOGRAPHY will be typed in capital letters, bold and centered, 11 pt.;
  • Bibliographical references will be ordered alphabetically and typed with 10t. characters, as follows:
    • for books: e.g. Mialaret, G., 1991, Pédagogie générale, P.U.F., Paris.
    • for journal articles or book chapters: Pourtois, J.-P., Desmet, H., 1989, « L’éducation familiale », in Revue française de pédagogie, 88, pp. 69-81.
  • For book reviews the following information shall be provided in the format indicated: the author (surname and name in capital letters), dot, the title of the books in small letters (title case) underlined, dot, publishing house, place of publication, year, number of pages. The text of the book review will be typed on A4 page format, single spaced, 10 pt. characters.

Author/s, or, respectively, the author/s of the book reviewed, have full responsibility for the content of the articles.

Articles that disregard the guidelines will be rejected, and sent back to the authors.

Articles that disregard the guidelines will be rejected, and sent back to the authors.


Authors can ask for one or more paid copies of the volume in which their article is published (they will be sent by regular post).

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