The Current State of Research Regarding Bullying Behavior in Romanian Schools
The purpose of this study is to summarize bullying research in Romanian schools and to discuss the implications for future research. This paper presents the current state of research regarding bullying behavior including not only the results obtained by academics, but also the results gathered by various institutions with responsibilities related to children education and health. According to the data provided by the Romanian Institute of Educational Sciences, research of the bullying behavior in school is pioneering and forms of school violence are not treated differently [Mitulescu, Scoda, Șandru & Zambeta, 2016].
However, the results show that 33.8% of the students frequently exhibit abusive abusive behaviors (bullying) and 40.5% are frequently victimized by their peers [Beldean-Galea, 2012]. There is a high frequency of bullying among students aged from13 to 15; the most common forms of aggression identified in schools are: direct physical aggression, direct verbal aggression (threat, teasing, nicknames, ironies and imitations).
bullying, bully, victim, school bullying
TUDORIŢA GRĂDINARIU – PhD student, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Psychology and Education Science, Department of Educational Sciences. E-mail: