Discourse in Meetings Using the Kindergarten Multi-Dialogical Approach
The article aims to present part of a research study investigating development of social communication patterns among children in a multi-dialogical kindergarten. The article focuses on the manner of discourse in meetings with the kindergarten children. The research drew data from participatory observation of discourse in meetings among children. In practice, the aim is to teach the children the rules of discourse: timing – when to enter into the discourse and say their words, speaking without interrupting the speech of others, respectfully considering the words of their discourse partners, even if they contradict their own opinions, giving feedback with reasoning and without aggression and without any attempt to enforce their opinions on others (Blum-Kulka, 2008; Cohen, 2008). This forms the foundation for the dialogical approach, allowing the child to practice skills for dialog through dialogical discourse.
multi-dialogical approach, children’s participation, discourse in meeting, rules of discourse
MOLLY EFRAT – PhD, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail: mollyefrat@gmail.com