Children’s Emotional Intelligence, Perceptions on Interparental Conflicts and Bullying Roles

Ana-Maria Ţepordei, Elena-Alexandra Panga

The present study investigated the relationships among children’s global emotional intelligence, their perceptions on interparental conflicts (in terms of properties, perceived threat and self-blame), and their school bullying roles (i.e., aggressor, victim, and positive interactions). Data was collected from a sample of 120 Romanian middle school students (54% girls) attending the same school from a rural area, by self-reported measures for all variables considered. Results indicated significant negative correlations between emotional intelligence and each of the other variables except for positive interactions, as well as positive relations between all three dimensions of perceived marital conflicts and the bully role. Additionally, victim role and bully role were found to be significantly positively correlated. Further, properties of the perceived interparental conflicts were the only significant predictor of the bully role, whereas emotional intelligence was the only significant predictor of the victim role. Results are discussed and suggestions for future studies are made.

school bullying, bullying roles, emotional intelligence, interparental conflicts

ANA-MARIA ŢEPORDEI – Lecturer, Ph.D., “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, E-mail:
ELENA-ALEXANDRA PANGA – Mastery student, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, E-mail:

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