Education Sciences and Educational Research: An Epistemological Approach

Mariana Momanu, Nicoleta-Laura Popa

Although intense debates and diverse systematizations have been produced over the last decades, the issue of epistemological status of education sciences is still to be clarified. This study attempts to offer an overview on pedagogy as science of education transforming into the more heterogeneous filed of education sciences, under the pressure of orienting pedagogical thinking and research towards pluridisciplinarity or even interdisciplinarity. Although the need for a unifying process is fully understood, described and even embraced, the present reality of education sciences is also acknowledged. Educational research is presented as one of the vehicles for the developments in the field of educational sciences, with the potential of strengthening the autonomy in the field, especially if promoting innovative methodological transfers.

education sciences, pedagogy, educational research, pluridisciplinariry, interdisciplinarity, epistemological approach

MARIANA MOMANU – Associate Professor, PhD, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Education. E-mail:
NICOLETA-LAURA POPA – Associate Professor, PhD, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Education. E-mail:

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