
Yourself. The Design, Structure and Content of the first Romanian Program on Social Emotional Competencies Development for Young Adults

Yourself. The Design, Structure and Content of the first Romanian Program on Social Emotional Competencies Development for Young Adults

Sebastian Vaida, Oana Ghimbuluţ
In this paper, we present the steps we took to design, then structure and build the content of the first Romanian program on social-emotional competencies development for young adults. We took into account both the recommendations of…

Lay representations of an economic global crisis among different Italian and Romanian social groups

Lay representations of an economic global crisis among different Italian and Romanian social groups

Anna Liguorii, Roberto Fasanelli, Ida Galli, Luminița Iacob
This research has been conducted inside the theoretical framework of Social Representations. By interviewing Italian and Rumanian subjects belonging different social groups we examined how “expert” and “lay” people face the…

Job demands and personal work style

Job demands and personal work style

Sabina Gavriloaiei, Ticu Constantin
Taking into consideration the O*NET, specialists from organizational psychology can determine what personal characteristics influence job performance. This present article aims to show whether a relationship exists between…

Young drivers and self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol: A Comparison between Romanian and French drivers

Young drivers and self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol: A Comparison between Romanian and French drivers

Alexandra Gheorghiu, Marie Line Felonneau
Driving under the influence of alcohol is considered one of the most serious road offences and, in the same time, an extremely dangerous behaviour. The situation is even more critical for young drivers. By using the theory of planned behaviour…

Workplace attachment and organizational commitment – are they predictors of organizational citizenship behavior? Study on french health care workers

Workplace attachment and organizational commitment – are they predictors of organizational citizenship behavior? Study on french health care workers

Liliane Rioux, Mariela Pavalache Ilie
This current research aims to identify the variables which help predict the organizational citizenship behaviour of 150 health care workers (nursing auxiliaries, nurses, and healthcare personnel) in France. More precisely, it confronts the impact of…

The mute zone of social representation regarding persons with special needs in Romania. Substitution indications

The mute zone of social representation regarding persons with special needs in Romania. Substitution indications

Florin Botoşineanu
This paper presents the results of research conducted in the years 2008-2009, which proposed to outline the social representation regarding people with special needs and, in a subjacent way, to highlight the mute zone in social representation regarding disabled persons…

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