Doctoral School Regulations
The activity of the Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences is regulated by a series of normative documents in accordance with:
- National legislation on the organization and functioning of higher education and specifically on the organization and functioning of doctoral study programs –
- Regulations established at the level of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași through the procedures and structures responsible for decisions regarding doctoral studies (Rectorate, Senate, Council for Doctoral Studies (CSUD)), based on the principle of university autonomy –
- The regulations established at the level of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences through the procedures and structures responsible for decisions regarding doctoral studies (Dean’s Office, FPSE Doctoral School Council, Faculty Council), based on the principle of university autonomy.
Administrative procedures
In order to provide a set of clear benchmarks regarding the necessary steps involved in the management of the research endeavor, a series of administrative procedures have been developed at the Doctoral School level to organize various sequences of the doctoral path (internal recommendations). These procedures may be amended or updated periodically.
Forms and applications
Specific forms or documents are required at various stages of the doctoral studies. Below is a periodically updated list of these documents.
- Contract for the grace period
- Additional act for the interruption of doctoral studies
- Regulation for evaluating the activity of doctoral students (regulation for granting semester credits)
- Minimal standards for evaluating the (scientific) quality of a doctoral thesis
- Addendum for the extension of doctoral studies
- Evaluation form of the activities within the complementary training module (PPUA) / Semester evaluation form of the doctoral activity
- Application for research project support (first paper)
- Request form for the research project presentation (first paper)Request form for the presentation of the research report
- Minutes for the presentation of research reports
- Request form for submission of doctoral thesis in electronic format for dissertation defense in the doctoral guidance committee
- Request form for public defense of the doctoral thesis
- Proposal for the award of the doctoral degree
- Declaration of originality
- Request form for a approving the issuance of the Doctor diploma
- Leave (of absence) request form
- Request form for submitting the doctoral thesis to the library
- Requests / Forms – completion of doctoral studies.