Coordinators and research topics

The Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences organizes doctoral studies in two fields – PSYCHOLOGY and EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES I – under the supervision of 20 PhD advisors, belonging to the two fields of study.


The field of PSYCHOLOGY


Within the Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, a number of 12 professors received the right to conduct doctorates in the Field of PSYCHOLOGY.

Below is a list of D.S. members, with expertise in the field of PSYCHOLOGY (in order of seniority within the D.S.) and with links to their professional pages or the research topics proposed for admission to the doctoral school.





Within the Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, a number of 8 professors received the right to conduct a doctorate in the field of EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES.

Below is a list of theD.S. members with expertise in the field of EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (in order of seniority within the D.S.) and with links to their professional pages or the research topics proposed for admission to the doctoral school.