Year 2020
Scientific articles published in extenso in journals rated Web of Science (ISI) with impact factor:
1. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Beliefs in conspiracy theories, intolerance of uncertainty, and moral disengagement during the coronavirus crisis. Ethics and Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2020.1843171. (IF=1.12)
2. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Cyberchondria during the coronavirus pandemic: the effects of neuroticism and optimism. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.567345. Frontiers in psychology (IF=2.067)
3. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Better once it’s over, worse now: prospective moral behaviors after the coronavirus epidemic and cyberchondria. Psihologija (in press) (IF=0.377)
4. Maftei, A., Holman, A.C., & Carlig, E.R. (2020). Does your child think you’re happy? Exploring the associations between children’s happiness and parenting styles. Children and Youth Services Review, 115, 105074. (IF=1.68).
5. Maftei, A., & Enea, V. (2020). Symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder and Parenting Styles in Romanian Adolescents. Psihologija, 53(3), 307-318.
6. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Predictors of homophobia in a sample of Romanian young adults: age, gender, spirituality, attachment styles, and moral disengagement. Psychology and Sexuality. (IF=1.27).
7. Grigore, A.N., & Maftei, A. (2020). Exploring the Mediating Roles of State and Trait Anxiety on the Relationship between Middle Adolescents’ Cyberbullying and Depression. Children, (IF=2.02) (corresponding author).
8. Enea V., Rusu D.M. (2020), Raising a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review of the Literature Investigating Parenting Stress, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 13(4), 283-321
Articles published in extenso in indexed journals Web of Science (ISI) without impact factor:
1. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Moral women, immoral technologies? Romanian Women’s Perceptions of Assisted Reproductive Technologies versus Adoption. The New Bioethics. A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body, 26(3). doi: 10.1080/20502877.2020.1796256.
2. Iurcov R., Ciavoi G., Iorga M, Pop L.M., Petrariu F.D.: Assessing the opinion of senior students about dental education during the pandemic period, The Medical Surgical Journal, vol. 124, no. 4, 647-656.
Scientific articles published in extenso in BDI indexed journals:
1. Maftei, A., Holman, A.C., & Oancea-Matei, D.A. (2020). Is Discrimination against disabled job candidates increased by previously acquired non-discriminatory moral credentials? Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 22(2), 33-41. DOI: 10.24913/rjap.22.2.02.
2. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2020). Prospective posttraumatic growth following the COVID-19 health crisis. Younger people consider more the probability of positive outcomes following the pandemic. Revista de Psihologie Socială, 46(1) (in press).
3. Maftei, A., A.C. Holman, & D.A. Oancea-Matei (2020). Discrimination against disabled job candidates is increased by previously acquired non-discriminatory moral credentials. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology (in press).
4. Maftei, A., & A.C. Holman (2020). Covid-19 pandemic source representation in a sample of romanian adults: a brief report. Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, 8(2), 50-56.
5. Maftei, A., Grigore, A.N., Bumbaru, E.V., Holman, A.C. (2020). Parental rejection and moral disengagement predict Romanian adolescents’ bullying behavior. International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, 10(1&2). (in press).
6. Maftei, A. (2020). The more you have, the less you give? Prospective donation behavior for COVID-19 causes. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 22(1), 15-20. DOI: 10.24913/rjap.22.1.03.
7. Arhiri, L., Gherman, M.A., & Muntele-Hendreș, D. (2020). Pseudoștiința și cum o recunoaștem ı̂n profesiile care privesc sănătatea. Psihologia Socială, 45(1), 101-110.
8. Foti. F. L., (2020) „A cross-sectional study: depression, anxiety and stress among infertile women in comparison with fertile ones” – Analele Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza – Seria Psihologie
9. Arhiri, L., Gherman, M.A., & Muntele-Hendreș, D. (2020). Pseudoștiința și cum o recunoaștem ı̂n profesiile care privesc sănătatea. Psihologia Socială, 45(1), 101-110.
10. Candel, O. S., & Jitaru, M. (2020). Energy Drinks – a Real Danger or a Scapegoat? An Analysis of the Commercially Available Products in Romania. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 8(1), 745–752.
11. Jitaru, M. (2020). Determinants of Women’s Couple Satisfaction: Communication Patterns, Ambivalent Sexism and Sex Roles. International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, 10(1/2), 7-20.
12. Cristian Tudorean, O., Ghergut, A. Specific Language Impairment and Language Delay: an Analysis of Developmental Language Disorder Characteristics in a Group of Romanian Children Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 2020 Dec 25; 3(2): 40-55.
13. Nastas, D. & Urzica, A.-L (2020) Preliminary structural investigation of the Romanian version of Attitudes towards Prisoners scale: How many factors are there and why are they ambivalent?. Psihologia Sociala, 45(1), 53.
Scientific articles published in extenso in conference volumes:
1. Maftei, A., & Grigore, A.N. (2020). Online moral disengagement and fake news: exploring the links with cyber-aggression, cyber-victimization, gender, and age. Volumul conferinței Internaționale ”Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity” – Ed. a VI-a (24-25 octombrie 2020) Târgu Mureș, România.
2. Grigore, A.N., & Maftei, A. (2020). Students’ cyberbullying experiences and school climate perception: does the school region matter?. Volumul conferinței Internaționale ”Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity” – Ed. a VI-a (24-25 octombrie 2020) Târgu Mureș, România.
Year 2019
Scientific articles published in extenso in journals rated Web of Science (ISI) with impact factor:
1. Candel, O.S., & Turliuc, M.N. (2019). Insecure attachment and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis of actor and partner associations. Personality and Individual Differences, 147, 190-199. (IF = 1.997)
2. Stratulat, S.I., Candel, O.S., Tăbîrţă A., Checheriţă, L.E., & Costan, V.V. (2019). The perception of the educational environment in multinational students from a dental medicine faculty in Romania. European Journal of Dental Education, DOI: 10.1111/eje. (IF = 1.531)
3. Candel, O.S., & Turliuc, M.N. (2019). What Do Romanian Couples Talk About on a Daily Basis? A Mixed Method Approach. Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială, 67, 37-52. (IF = 1.076)
4. De Rosa, A. S. & Arhiri, L. (2019). The anthropological and ethnographic approaches to social representations theory: a systematic meta-theoretical analysis of publications based on empirical studies. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 53(6), 2933-2955.
5. De Rosa, A. S., & Gherman, M. A. (2019). State of the art of social representations theory in Asia: An empirical meta-theoretical analysis. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 13, e9. DOI:
6. Maftei, A., & Holman, A.C. (2019). Moral representation in children: a qualitative approach. Journal of Moral Education. DOI:10.1080/03057240.2019.1619542. (IF=1.01).
7. Maftei, A., C.M. Bostan, & D.V. Zaharia (2019). Hostility and Civic Moral Disengagement: Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression as Moderators. Journal of Moral Education. (IF=1.01).
8. Zancu, S.A., Rodgers, R.F., & Enea, V. (2019) Self-determined motivation for eating behavior regulation and sociocultural influences among Romanian fashion models. Body Image, 31, 150-159. DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2019.10.003 (IF=3.124)
Scientific articles published in extenso in BDI indexed journals:
1. Candel, O.S. (2019). A Review on the Present Condition of Histrionic Personality Disorder. Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry, 25(3), 39-44. (indexat in DOAJ, ERIH Plus)
2. Turliuc, M.N., Agrigoroaiei, M.A. & Candel, O.S. (2019). Spouses’ family-work interactions and their contribution to marital and job satisfaction. Psihologia Socială, 43(1), 46-60. (indexat in ProQuest, EbscoHost)
3. Turliuc, M.N., Candel, O.S. (2019). The assertive sense of relational entitlement, emotions and couple satisfaction: a mediation model. Annals of AI I Cuza University. Psychology Series (in press.) (indexat in ProQuest, Ebsco)
4.Prundeanu, O., Constantin, T., & Candel, O. S., (2019). Different perspectives on narcissism in organizational contexts – a review and future research directions. Annals of the Al I Cuza University. Psychology Series (in press.) (indexat in ProQuest, Ebsco)
5. Maftei, A., Oancea-Matei, D.A. (2019). Would a bionic target really make a difference in sacrificial moral dilemmas? An exploratory study among Romanian youth. Revista de Psihologie Socială, 43 (1), 63-78
6. Turliuc, M. N., & Jitaru, M. (2019), Interpersonal emotion regulation – A concept in search of clarification, Revista de Psihologie, 65(4), 281-291
7. Enescu, F., Ion Dafinoiu, Dynamics of an Artist’s Emotional States Relative to Her or His Audience and Artwork. A Mathematical Approach (I), 2019, Iasi Polytechnic Institute Bulletin – Mathematics. Theoretical Mechanics. Physics Section. ISSN-L 1224-7863 (ONLINE) ISSN 2537-4990, 16 pag
8. Enescu, F., Eros, Creation and Thanatos – The Artist’s Emotional Triangle, Annals of the Al. I. Cuza University, Psychology Series, 2014, 23 (2), 89-104.#
9. Pascariu, L., & Ceobanu, M. (2019). Insights on the Use of Facebook in Educational Context – a Systematic Review (2015-2018). Revista Română De Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării = Romanian Journal of Library and Information Science, 15(2), 61-74.
10. Roman D, (2019), Cooper’s Online Infidelity Theory Contributing to Internet Related Intimacy Problems, in New Trends in Psychology” Print ISSN: 2668-0696
Scientific articles published in extenso in conference volumes:
1. Tudorean O., C. (2019), Notes Regarding the Mean Length of Utterance in Preschoolers. Functional Perspectives for Intervention in Specific Language Impairments. – International Conference on Applied Psychology, Iași, România, octombrie 2019
2. Lișman, C. & Holman, A. (2019), THE DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE TENDENCY TOWARDS INFIDELITY SCALE, International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences (ICAPES), Iași, 17 – 20 October 2019, the 8th edition.
3. Smilschi L, (2019) Construction and Validation of Parental Role Assuming Scale (PRA) Vol 9 (2019): 12th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice | RSACVP 2019 | 15-17 May 2019 | Iasi
Books and book chapters:
1. Candel, O.S. (2019). Contagiunea scopurilor. In Şt. Boncu, & A. Holman (Eds.), Cum gândim în viaţa de zi cu zi (pp. 458-466). Iaşi, Polirom.
2. Calciu, C.Z., & Soponaru, C. (2019). Disociere si recuperare in psihoza. In M. Iorga & C. Rosca (Ed.), Psihologie medicala. Studii clinice (pp.173-182). Bucuresti: Editura Universitara. ISBN: 606-28-0984-3
3. Maftei, A., & Enea, V. (2019). Cap. Consilierul școlar – consultant al părinților și cadrelor didactice, în Intervenții psihologice în școală. Manualul consilierului școlar (coord. V. Enea), Ed. Polirom, Iași
4. Măirean, C., & Maftei, A. (2019). Cap. Utilizarea realității virtuale în terapia tulburărilor anxioase. În Psihologie medicală. Studii clinice (coord. M. Iorga și C. roșca), Ed. Universitară, București.
5. Rusu D., M, Enea V. “Proeminența facială”, în volum coordonat de Ștefan Boncu și Andrei Holman (ed Polirom), Cum gândim în viața de zi cu zi (Polirom, 2019),176-18
6. Zancu, A., & Enea, V. (2019) Prevenirea tulburărilor de comportament. În volumul “Interventii Psihologice în Școală. Manualul consilierului școlar”, coordonator Violeta Enea, (pp. 225-241). Iași: Editura Polirom.
7. Lișman, C. & Holman, A. (2019), Efectul Barnum, în Boncu, Ș. & Holman, A., Cum gândim în viața de zi cu zi (pp. 99 – 108), Iași, Polirom;
8. Holman, A. & Lișman, C. (2019), Starea de suspensie cognitivă, , în Boncu, Ș. & Holman, A., Cum gândim în viața de zi cu zi (pp. 448 – 457), Iași, Polirom;