Postdoctoral studies

Advanced research postdoctoral programs

In the section below you have the regulations and methodology that define the general framework for organizing the postdoctoral research program:


Postdoctoral studies 2020 – 2021

Postdoctoral students enrolled in the Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences , in alphabetical order, who completed the postdoctoral studies of advanced research.

Postdoctoral student name and surname Scientific coordinator Evaluation of the results of the postdoctoral research activity (50%) Presentation and support of the final paper (50%) Final average
1. ANTONOVICI C. LORENA Prof.univ.dr. Nicoleta Maria TURLIUC
10 (ten)
9 (nine) 9.50 (nine and 50%)
9 (nine)
7 (seven) 8 (eight)
3 HULUBA I. ANA-NICOLETA CĂS. GRIGORE Prof.univ.dr. Andrei Corneliu HOLMAN
10 (ten)
9 (nine) 9.50 (nine şi 50%)


Methodology for completing postdoctoral studies:


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