School Dropout in the Context of the Romanian Educational System, Current Trends, Correlates and Interventions
Mariana Momanu, Ana-Maria Hojbotă
Prevention of dropout and promotion of completion have become concerns that receive increasing attention from policy makers, researchers and educators dealing with youth at risk. The present article discusses the phenomenon of school dropout in the context of the Romanian education system, reviewing the research documenting the main distal and proximal antecedents, from individual to systemic characteristics. Official statistics, including the fluctuations in the rates over time, on different levels of education are discussed together with data from focused, refined studies that reveal the presence of a hidden dropout, indicating an even more insidious character of the phenomenon. The current preventive and remedial programmes are discussed, with recommendations towards more focused school interventions.
school dropout, educational policies, educational practices, European context
MARIANA MOMANU – PhD, Associated Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. E-mail:
ANA-MARIA HOJBOTĂ – PhD Student, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. E-mail: