The Present Value Dimensions of the Romanian Pre-School Curriculum
In the Romanian pre-school education system, the contents proposed for teaching are specified in the curricular documents that regulate the formative activity. Periodically restructured and resized, these contents are listed today in the document (in force since 2008) known as the Curriculum for the early education of children aged three to six/seven (Curriculumul pentru educaţia timpurie a copiilor de la 3 la 6/7 ani). In Romanian kindergartens, the above-mentioned regulating reference suggests a radical change of view of the contents offered to pre-schoolers, as well as of the goals, the manner of conception and the actual realisation of all the pre-school activities, in accordance with the most recent trends in early education policies in many countries of the world, and the explicit subscription to the curricular perspective on training. The present study contains the results of an analysis of the Curriculum for the early education of children aged three to six/seven (2008) in Romania; the research is of a qualitative type and is based on the assessment of the afore-mentioned document from the perspective of several value categories: moral, civic, esthetic, scientific, and others. The collected data lead to several conclusions regarding structured value orientations, the worth of the regulating reference considered (as compared to some earlier versions) and the trends in structuring educational policy instruments for pre-school level.
curriculum, pre-school education, teaching contents, values, value orientations
LILIANA STAN – Associate professor, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi; e-mail: