New Directions in Teacher Evaluation. Are they Present in the Romanian System?

Roxana-Maria Ghiaţău, Georgeta Diac

Teacher evaluation is a topic of major interest in the world, the main reasons being to know and improve the teachers’ performances and, implicitly, those of the educational systems. A first objective of this paper is to draw a synthetic portrait of the trends in teacher evaluation at a global level, highlighting their main perspectives. Thus, there are three clear directions in the educational policy of teacher evaluation: the elaboration of reference standards, the introduction of collaborative structures and the evaluation of teachers according to the students’ performances. The second objective is to perform a radiography of the Romanian teacher evaluation system and compare it to the orientations identified at the global level. To this effect, we shall analyse the practiced evaluative forms and procedures, as well as some legislative renewals in the Romanian teacher evaluation system.

teacher evaluation, professional standards, peer-assessment, value-added assessment

ROXANA-MARIA GHIAŢĂU – PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania; e-mail:
GEORGETA DIAC – PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania; e-mail:

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