Teachers’ Norm Deviations in Romanian Education
The global aim of the present research is to investigate those types of serious, visible norm deviations of Romanian teachers from all the levels of education, which have made the subject of discussion during meetings of the Teachers’ Councils as a form of peer evaluation and collegial control. The specific purposes of the research are: analysis of the didactic status of teachers who commit deviations; identification of the agents reporting the deviation; classification of frequent norm deviations of teachers according to their nature and source; analysis of the administrative sanctions frequently applied following the deviations. The research method was the questionnaire, elaborated precisely for the purpose of achieving the research objectives. A total of 91 Romanian teachers participated in the study. Overall, the results indicate eight categories of deviations, the most frequent and relevant are violence against students, absenteeism and classroom management problems. The persons denouncing the deviations have included students, teachers and principals, and the penalties of deviations have mainly been pedagogical recommendations and salary cuts.
norm, teacher’s norm deviation
ROXANA-MARIA GHIAŢĂU – Lecturer dr., Postdoctoral Fellow, Romanian Academy, Iaşi Branch; e-mail: roxanag@uaic.ro