Mobilitate de scurta durata in Budapesta – Blended Intensive Program: Developing Soft Skills in International Environment

Nouă oportunitate de a participa la o mobilitate de scurta durata in Budapesta, chiar în luna Octombrie (24-28).


Finanțarea se face prin programul Erasmus de scurtă durată și pornește de la aproximativ 500 de Euro (pentru o săptămână) putând ajunge până la aproape 1000 de Euro pentru studenții din categoria oportunități reduse și chiar 1500 de Euro dacă se alege și transport Green travel.


Atenție, în categoria Green travel se încadrează mijloace cum ar fi trenul, autocarul sau mașina personală în regim car pooling (cel puțin 2 pasageri beneficiari ai bursei/masina), iar pentru această destinație sunt foarte accesibile astfel de mijloacele.


Atenție, în categoria Green travel se încadrează mijloace cum ar fi trenul, autocarul sau mașina personală în regim car pooling (cel puțin 2 pasageri beneficiari ai bursei/masina), iar pentru această destinație sunt foarte accesibile astfel de mijloacele.


Detalii despre modul de calculare a burselor găsiți aici:


Ce trebuie să faci pentru a participa?


Având în vedere termenul foarte scurt oferit de partenerii trebuie să îți anunți intenția și să trimiti documentele de candidatură cât mai repede pe email Dacă sunteti mai mulți colegi care vreti sa mergeti împreună, puteți trimite cu toții actele in același email precizând faptul că doriți să mergeți împreună, daca se poate. Numărul maxim de burse care se pot finanța este 8.


Programul este organizat de Facultatea internațională de Managemente si Business, mai jos aveti detaliile.


Department of Languages for International Business


Time: 24-28 October 2023
Venue: Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business, Budapest, Diósy Lajos u. 22-24, 1165


I. 3 online sessions on TEAMS

  1. 10 October 2023. 17.15-18.45, lecturer Dr. Polcz Károly
  2. 17 October 2023. 17.15-18.45, lecturer: Dr. Ahmad Hajeer
  3. 19 October 2023. 17.15-18.45, lecturer: Dr. Kónyi Judit


II. 5-days Intensive week in-person


Day 1 24 October 2023, 9AM Intercultural communication workshop Dr. Ahmad Hajeer
Day 2 25 October 2023, 10AM Negotiation skills workshop Dr. Kónyi Judit
Day 3 26 October 2023, 10AM The investor pitch in the world of startups Dr. Polcz Károly
Day 4 27 October 2023 Cultural Program Dr. Kónyi Judit
Day 5 28 October 2023, 10AM Discover Budapest Challenge Dr. Horváth-Csikós Gabriella



III. Detailed Program

Day 1: 24 October 2023 8.30AM

Intercultural communication workshop

9:00-10:00 Welcome, Orientation, a short presentation about the whole program

10:00-14:00 Intercultural communication training

The Intercultural Training program is designed to equip a group of international and Hungarian students with the essential knowledge, practical skills, and awareness necessary to navigate intercultural differences effectively. This training aims to foster a deeper understanding of various cultural backgrounds and enable participants to interact appropriately and respectfully in intercultural contexts. Throughout the program, participants will engage in interactive discussions, experiential activities, and case studies that highlight the significance of cultural diversity. The training will cover the following key areas, intercultural awareness, stereotypes and bias and conflict resolution. During the course, our primary focus will be on exploring the intricacies of Hungarian culture alongside the cultures of our esteemed guest countries. This dedicated approach enables us to delve into the differences that exist between these diverse cultural realms. By the end of the Intercultural Training program, students will be better equipped to build meaningful connections, collaborate effectively, and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse community.

Late lunch (15.00PM) at a downtown restaurant where you will have the opportunity to meet members of the international team while enjoying amazing Hungarian food.


Day 2: 25 October 2023 10AM

Negotiation skills workshop

The objective of the workshop is to give an overview of the basic negotiation strategies and concepts. Negotiation scenes of movies will be analysed to illustrate interest-based and positional negotiations. The participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to test their skills in a negotiation simulation exercise based on historical events.


Day 3: 26 October 2023 10AM

The investor pitch in the world of startups

The Investor Pitch in the World of Start-ups module of the program is a brand-new short course on the art of pitching in seven easy lessons. In the theoretical online session, you will be introduced to the players of the start-up ecosystem, such as start-up companies, business angels, venture capitalists and venture funds. We will briefly discuss the different types of pitch with a special focus on the investor pitch, its rhetorical structure, and stylistic features. We will perform an in-depth analysis of the text of a specific pitch and get to the bottom of how persuasion techniques work in critical moments. You will also learn how to build an emotional connection with your audience and how to handle investors’ questions. As for the practical part of the course, you will be well prepared to create a professional pitch, presenting your own business concept to your peers who will play the role of investors asking questions and providing constructive feedback.


Day 4: 27 October 2023 10AM

Cultural Program

Hungarian culture is characterised by its distinctive cuisine, folk traditions, poetry, theatre, and music. On day 4, you will have the opportunity to get a glimpse of the local culture.


Day 5: 28 October 2023 10AM

Discover Budapest Challenge

On the last day of the intensive week you will have a fantastic adventure exploring Budapest in international teams of 5-6 students. You will solve Budapest-related tasks in the form of a competition, where you will be given the opportunity to apply the soft skills you have learned in practice. During the full-day programme, you will be challenged and experienced in many new ways. You will take a Hop-on Hop-off sightseeing bus to the stops of the Discover Budapest Challenge.