Title: Emotions and morality: the influences of emotion regulation strategies on moral judgements
This work is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS – UEFISCDI
Project type: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-2872, 1.10.2015 – 30.09.2017
Contract number: 155/01.10.2015
Abstract: The project proposes a new approach on the influences of emotions on moral judgments, involving the investigation of the impact in this context of a variable that has been neglected so far, namely the way in which people regulate the emotions experienced in morally relevant situations. The general aim of the project is to investigate the influences of emotion regulation on moral judgments and to analyze the differences between the effects of two major regulation strategies (reappraisal and suppression) in this respect, as well as the cognitive, motivational, affective and embodiment – related mediators and moderators of these effects. The project proposes four studies, one correlational, which will investigate the associations between emotion regulation and two types of moral judgments (decisions and evaluations of moral transgressions), and three experimental studies. These target a set of specific objectives, such as: testing the effects of emotion regulation strategies on moral judgments and the assessment of the differences in impact between these strategies; testing some potential negative biasing effects of emotion suppression on moral judgments, namely prolonging the influences of the suppressed emotion, amplifying the contamination of moral evaluations by incidental emotions, and diminishing the specificity of moral emotions with respect to the moral principle at their core.
We also aim to extend the area of investigation of the effects of affective experiences and/or moral judgments by examining their role in the modulation of other psychological phenomena, such as driving anger and driving styles, hazard perceptions, and change blindness.
Team members:
- Assoc. prof. Andrei Corneliu Holman (project manager)
- Post-doctoral researcher Emilia Alexandra Pascal
- Doctoral researcher Emilia Gîrbă
- Doctoral researcher Simona Popuşoi
Expected results:
- 2 ISI papers
- 2 BDI papers
- 3 presentations in international conferences
- 3 presentations in national conferences
Achieved results:
- 5 ISI papers
- 1 Proceeding paper edited by Springer
- 2 BDI papers
- 3 presentations in international conferences
- 3 presentations in national conferences
ISI Web of Science Publications
- Pascal, E. (2019). Being similar while judging right and wrong: The effects of personal and situational similarity on moral judgements. International journal of psychology, 54(2), 188-196.
- Holman, A. C., & Gîrbă, A. E. (2019). The match in orientation between verbal context and object accelerates change detection. Psihologija, 52(1), 93-105.
- Popuşoi, S. A., Havârneanu, G. M., & Havârneanu, C. E. (2018). “Get the f#∗ k out of my way!” Exploring the cathartic effect of swear words in coping with driving anger. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 56, 215-226.
- Holman, A. C., & Popusoi, S. A. (2018). Ethical predispositions to violate or obey traffic rules and the mediating role of driving styles. The Journal of psychology, 152(5), 257-275.
- Holman, A. C., & Popusoi, S. A. (2018). Avoiding blame when violating traffic rules: the development and validation of the justifications of traffic violations scale. Psychology, Crime & Law, 24(9), 873-894.
Proceedings paper
- Popușoi, S. A., Măirean, C., & Havârneanu, G. M. (2016). Behavioral Intentions and Threat Perception During Terrorist, Fire and Earthquake Scenarios. In International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (pp. 302-307). Springer, Cham.
BDI Publications
- Holman, A., & Pascal, E. (2015). Emotion regulation and moral judgment: future avenues of research. Psihologia Socială, 36, 75-88.
- Popuşoi, S., & Holman, A. (2016). Driving anger and aggressive tendency: the moderating role of emotion regulation strategy. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series VII: Social Sciences & Law, 9(59), 153-164.
Conference presentations:
- Holman, A. Emotion suppression and moral judgment. International Conference on Applied Psychology 6th Edition, Iasi 22-24 Oct. 2015.
- Holman, A., Popuşoi, S. Driving anger and aggressive tendency: the moderating role of emotion regulation strategy. International Conference of Psychology, From Individual to Society – Applied Psychology for a Sustainable Community, Brasov, Romania 22-23 September 2016.
- Pascal, E. The Influence of Emotional Regulation Strategies on Moral Evaluation. 10th Annual International Conference on Psychology, Athens, Greece, 23-26 May 2016
- Popuşoi, S., Măirean, C., Havârneanu, G. Behavioral intentions and threat perception during terrorist, fire and earthquake scenarios. The 11th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, Paris, France, 10-12 October 2016
- Holman, A., Popuşoi, S. Construcţia şi validarea unui instrument de evaluare a tendinţei şi strategiilor de raţionalizare morală de către şoferi a încălcărilor codului rutier. Scoala de Vara Internationala: Cercetarea psihologica si educational fara frontiere, Iasi, Romania, 25-28 May 2017.
- Holman, A. Moral judgments, emotions and emotion regulation. International Conference of Psychology Students, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 11-14 May 2017
The match in orientation between verbal context and object accelerates change detection – materials