Title: Posttraumatic stress symptomatology at victims of road traffic accidents: analysis and intervention
This work is supported by a grant of the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (project number PN-III-P1-1.1-PD2016-0902)
Project acronym: PTSD-AI
Project type: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD2016-0902, 14.05.2018 – 13.05.2020
Contract number: 87/14.05.2018
Abstract: Psychological trauma is prevalent around the world, from terrorist attacks to motor vehicle accidents. Of all the systems which people have to deal with every day, road traffic systems are the most dangerous. Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are routine occurrences worldwide and have long-lasting consequences for survivors, both in terms of physical and psychological outcomes. At a general level, the present research has three important objectives: to investigate the determinants and the consequences of PTSD at RTAs victims; to identify subgroups of individuals more vulnerable for PTSD, after a RTA, and more reliable for interventions; to test and validate a form of intervention, based on cognitive bias modification, for reducing PTSD among RTAs’ victims. The context where the studies will be conducted is of particular importance, due to the prevalence of RTAs and the lack of knowledge regarding its psychological consequences. Currently, there is no published study identifying predictors of PTSD at Romanian RTAs victims, as specific and sensitive enough to determine who requires intervention. Participants will be Romanian RTAs victims. Healthy participants exposed to trauma, in laboratory will also be selected for the research. Extending the information available from laboratory studies to real word represent an important advantage of the results in terms of internal and external validity. The results of the present research should bring more confidence upon some implications of cognitive theories of PTSD, by exploring them both in an experimental and in an ecological design. Identifying specific predictors of PTSD after RTAs, as well as valid interventions should have important clinical and socio-economic implications, by preventing the human pain and the negative implications of PTSD.
Keywords: PTSD, road traffic accidents, cognitive model, Cognitive Bias Modification, experimental design
Team members:
- lect. univ. dr. Cornelia MĂIREAN (project manager)
- prof. univ. dr. Ion DAFINOIU (project mentor)
Achieved results
- Articles published in journals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection
- Măirean, C. (2020). Posttraumatic stress symptoms, driving phobia, and aberrant driving behaviors. The moderating role of gender. Transportation and Health, 16: 100830, 1016/j.jth.2020.100830 (Q2)
- Măirean, C. (2019). Driving cognitions, rumination, and posttraumatic stress disorder in road traffic accidents survivors. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 26 (1), 47-54. (Q2)
- Măirean, C., & Havârneanu, C. (2019). The relation between mortality salience, traffic locus of control, and risky driving behavior. Death studies, 1-11. IF = 1.16. (Q3)
- Articles published in journals indexed in international databases:
- Măirean, C. & Gliga, L. (2019). Intrusive images in trauma film paradigm. The role of peritraumatic tasks, emotional regulation strategies, and emotional. Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Psychology Series. 28, 23 – 40.
- Măirean, C. (2018). The relation between driving cognitions and driving phobia. The moderating role of emotional regulation strategies. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 20(2), 37-44.
- Articles under review in journals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection
- Măirean, C. (2020). Driving phobia among drivers involved in a road traffic accident. The role of posttraumatic stress symptoms and driving cognitions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (retrimis, după prima evaluare, pe 8 martie)
- Măirean, C. & Diaconu-Gherasim, R.L. (2020). Time perspective, risk perception on the road, and risky driving behavior, Journal of Risk Research (trimis spre evaluare în mai 2020).
- Măirean, C. & Diaconu-Gherasim, R.L. (2020). The relation between time perspective, locus of control, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress, Stress and health (trimis spre evaluare în mai 2020).
- ISI Proceedings Papers
- Măirean, C. & Cimpoeșu, D. M. (2020). The Relations Between Trauma Exposure, Subjective Trauma Appraisals, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in A Sample of Road Traffic Accident Victims. In Pracana, C., & Wang, M., (Eds). Psychological Applications and Trends, 36-41. Lisabona: inScience Press.
- Măirean, C. (2019). The relation between subjective and objective trauma appraisal and posttraumatic stress symptoms. The moderating role of traffic locus of control. 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS 2019. 6, 323-330. doi: 5593/SWS.ISCSS.2019.3/S11.042
- Măirean, C. (2019). Driving cognitions as predictors of errors, lapses, ordinary and aggressive violations on the road. 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences ISCSS 2019, 6, 173-180. doi: 5593/SWS.ISCSS.2019.3/S11.023
- Măirean, C. (2018). Traffic locus of control, driving cognitions and posttraumatic stress symptoms. 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2018. 18, 519-526. doi: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/3.2/S11.068
- Măirean, C. & Havârneanu, C. E. (2018). The relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and traffic phobia. 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2018. 18, 477-482. doi: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/3.2/S11.062
- Oral presentations at international conferences
- Măirean, C. (2020). The Relations Between Trauma Exposure, Subjective Trauma Appraisals, and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in A Sample of Road Traffic Accident Victims. International Psychological Applications and Trends, Madeira, Portugalia, 25-27 aprilie (video format).
- Măirean, C. (2019). The relation between driving cognitions, driving phobia, and emotional regulation strategies. 8th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iași, Romania, 17-20 octombrie.
- Măirean, C. (2019). Cognitive coping, posttraumatic cognitions, and posttraumatic stress symptoms. 8th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iași, Romania, 17-20 octombrie.
- Măirean, C. & Diaconu-Gherasim, R.L. (2019). The relation between time perspectives and risky driving. 8th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iași, Romania, 17-20 octombrie.
- Măirean, C. (2018). Traffic locus of control, driving cognitions and posttraumatic stress symptoms. 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Social Science and Arts, Bulgaria, 17-20 octombrie.
- Poster presentations at international conferences
- Măirean, C. (2019). Posttraumatic stress symptoms, driving phobia, and aberrant driving behaviors. The moderating role of gender. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3-7septembrie.
- Măirean, C. (2019). The relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and travel phobia. The moderating role of traffic locus of control. 8th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iași, Romania, 17-20 octombrie.
- Măirean, C. & Havârneanu, C. E. (2018). The relation between posttraumatic stress symptoms and traffic phobia. 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Social Science and Arts, Bulgaria.
- Oral presentations at a national conference
- Măirean, C. (2019). Trauma appraisal, dysfunctional cognitions, and posttraumatic stress symptoms. A XIII-a Conferință Națională a Asociației Psihologilor din România – APR, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22-24 noiembrie.
Activity report for May-December 2018